Blue Ridge Community Farm

21529 N Blue Ridge Road Chillicothe , IL 61523
Visit Website


Blue Ridge Community Farm is a 245-acre working farm for adults and children with special needs located approximately 4 miles northwest of Chillicothe, Illinois.

Currently, we offer educational field trips for special education and life skills classes. There is no charge for a school to come and visit the farm. Our field trips typically include interacting with our farm animals, music, crafts, hay rack rides (dependent upon the size of the group) and learning opportunities revolving around crops grown on the farm, animal care and general farm knowledge. We are home to ten alpacas, four donkeys, chickens, a horse and two golden retrievers.

We also offer social events for adults with special needs all at no charge to those that attend. Some of our events include an annual square dance, cookouts and campfire sing-a-longs.
