Lake Eureka Park

101 Lake Road Eureka, IL 61530
Visit Website


Lake Eureka is a 30-acre impoundment located on Walnut Creek which is a tributary to Panther Creek and the Mackinaw River. The lake was built in the early 1940s as part of a public works project (WPA), to provide a potable water source for the City of Eureka. Lake Eureka provided drinking water until 1982, when wells replaced the water needed by the city.

Lake Eureka is quite shallow and very fertile. The average depth for Lake Eureka is approximately 6.5 feet with a maximum depth of 17 feet. The lake has a very large watershed that includes approximately 1,300 acres of row crops. It receives significant loads of sediment from the cultivated watershed and both total alkalinities and dissolved solids are quite high.

Lake Eureka is surrounded by manicured, lawn-like shore. It is 100% accessible for shoreline access and is "kid friendly" for bank fishing.
