So I just got back from the store where I picked up some magazines extolling some ideas for places to visit, things to do, etc. As I was leafing through the pages and reading about all of these great opportunities that exist elsewhere, it became increasingly frustrating because I know our area has so much to offer but it’s not either widely known or promoted.
Being on the river your thing? we’ve got miles and miles of waterways that range from the mighty Illinois River, to smaller ones like the Mackinaw River and the Spoon River to creeks like Kickapoo Creek.

Want to take it slower and skip a current? We’ve got lots of lakes everywhere.

Into hiking? We’ve got trails everywhere....from the flat paved type of the Rock Island Trail and Peoria Greenway Trail, to challenging river bluff trails that will get your heart pumping. The Peoria Park District has tons of trail systems throughout the city and on the outskirts.

Into camping? Check out any of the state parks and forests around. Jubilee College State Park in Brimfield, Wildlife Prairie Park, Camp Wokanda, Sand Ridge State Forest, and more.

You like rock climbing? We’ve got one of the best gyms around at First Ascent in Peoria.

Some people say there’s not as much to do in the winter....but that’s not true. Go for a hike, bike, camp, fat bike through the snow, pick up some snowshoes and go explore. Almost without exception, whatever you like to do in the summer, you can do all year round, provided you dress appropriately for the occasion, maybe alter the gear a little and keep an open mind.

Check out the full story here! For more Peoria Area recreational tips, tricks, outdoorsy opportunities, and adventures follow @PeoriaOutdoorAdventure on Facebook.