Get Outside: Illinois River Bluff Trail


Peoria Outdoor Adventure, Guest Writer


This is a great example of why we love the Peoria Area...

There are some many things to do if I just open my eyes and go outside. The Illinois River Bluff Trail is a great example. Technically, it runs from the north--starting at the Peoria Park District Camp Wokanda area near Mossville, to the south into Detweiller Park. From there it connects to the Pimiteoui Trail, which is another Peoria Park District entity. 

Illinois River Bluff Trail


Illinois River Bluff Trail

Expect many beautiful bridges along your hike, majestic creek beds, grassy clearings, and the ever-dreaded (yet extremely-rewarding) stairways. This trail provides an excellent combination of shade and sun, with both inclines, declines, and flat sections. It's a great hike and recommended in chunks of 5 miles.

Illinois River Bluff Trail

North of Mossville Road is a really nice flat section of the Illinois River Bluff Trail. Overall, The Illinois River Bluff Trail has a lot more hills than flat sections, so the flat ones are welcome after a hike up. Be sure to bring water and stay hydrated!



Maple Syrup Sap Collecting

Near Camp Wokanda, you will notice blue tubes running all over the forest and along the trail. What you'll witness is the maple syrup gathering process---those blue tubes are collecting tree sap, which will be turned into syrup!

Illinois River Bluff Trail Tunnel

This may not be El Chapo Tunnel, but it's just as impressive! You'll stumble across this tunnel, which allows the trail to run under Route 6. 

Illinois River Bluff Trail Split

Trail split near Detweiller Park for the two different trail systems---Illinois River Bluff Trail and the Pimiteoui Trail.

There are more trails around Peoria than you'll ever be able to knock off in a lifetime...let alone a single season, but if you want to start checking those boxes, here's a link to a list of the ones managed by the Peoria Park District.

Check out the full story here! For more Peoria Area recreational tips, tricks, outdoorsy opportunities, and adventures follow @PeoriaOutdoorAdventure on Facebook.

Peoria Outdoor Adventure, Guest Writer