Elmwood Meat Products

214 Magnolia Street Elmwood , IL 61529
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The Elmwood Locker was started by Jerome A Powers in 1956. Son John started at 6 years old helping with various chores and clean up. John worked off and off through his school years and in 1969, enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and served in South Vietnam from 1969-1971. After coming back from Vietnam, John helped out at the Locker, re-learning all the different aspects of the slaughter and butcher processes.

Elmwood Locker is licensed with the State of Illinois Department of Agriculture and licensed and inspected daily with the United States Department of Agriculture.

Stop in and try our famous Hillbilly Style Old Fashioned Beef Jerky!

Open Monday - Friday 7am to 7pm Saturdays 8am to 4pm
