Illinois River Road National Scenic Byway

11304 N Prairie Rd The Nature Conservancy Lewistown , IL 61542
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If you're on the road to Discovering Peoria, chances are you'll drive along the Illinois River Road, one of seven nationally designated Scenic Byways in the state.

Formed in 2005, the Illinois River Road stretches along both sides of the Illinois River between Ottawa and Havana. The historical experiences, scenic habitats, and locally-owned restaurants and shops along this 291-mile stretch are a rich collective of experiences for visitors and residents alike.

Byway travelers look to avoid the main thoroughfares and get off the beaten path by traveling local roads and exploring unique communities along the way. Picture motorcyclists taking in scenic summertime views and couples enjoying a peaceful weekend getaway. Imagine birdwatchers coming to glimpse Bald Eagles along the river or families just enjoying an experiential weekend in the Illinois River Valley. If you are are looking for places that are unique or authentic to the Illinois River Road region, this is the place to do it!

Visit to learn more about our communities, special interests like Birding and Conservation or Farmers Markets, and even themed lists of "Spots to Stop."

Wherever you go or whatever you do, your journey can be part of the destination when you travel along the Illinois River Road!


Discover Peoria, IL